Monday, January 25, 2010

Things we learned about Texas - Agave Nectar

Well, I'm not sure this is a Texas thing, since this product is made in Mexico and the company that packages it is headquartered in Onsted, Michigan, but we did discover it in Texas, so it fits in this series.

Agave Nectar is, according to its manufacturer, an "organic nectar from the Agave Plant [which] is great for those who are looking for low glycemic index foods. . . . Natural sweetening properties and blending characteristics make Agave Nectar perfect for coffee, tea, smoothies, and other beverages. It is also a delicious topping for breads, toast, pancakes, and waffles."

We use it as syrup on pain perdu and waffles. It has the same consistency and color as regular store-bought pancake syrup. It is healthier than those fake maple syrups out there (full of corn syrup and all) and, although it is expensive, it is less than half the price of real maple syrup. We give it two thumbs up and the Disseau housekeeping seal of approval!


Alan Knox said...

You didn't hear about agave in NC? We've heard of it, but we've never used it.


Maël said...

Nope. Apparently nobody loved us enough to tell us. We had to move to TX to discover it all by our lonesome selves.

Alan Knox said...

Yeah. That's true. We kept all the good stuff to ourselves. :)

Miss you still, believe it or not.


Eric Holcombe said...

Agave is good stuff. We have it in TN too.

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