Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fourth Trimester Abortion?

I was shocked to read the BP article entitled "'4th-trimester abortion': Canadian woman strangles newborn but gets no prison time." In it, Michael Foust reports that a "Canadian woman who gave birth to a baby, strangled it with her underwear and then tossed the body over a fence outside her parents' house will not get any prison time in a decision that may be matched in shock only by the judge's logic." The judge that overruled the mother's conviction claimed that Canada's lack of legislation regulating abortion shows that "while many Canadians undoubtedly view abortion as a less than ideal solution to unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy, they generally understand, accept and sympathize with the onerous demands pregnancy and childbirth exact from mothers, especially mothers without support." As R. Albert Mohler Jr. points out: "we are now extending the murderous logic of abortion into a fourth trimester, which is to say, after the baby has been born." Unfortunately, I am not surprised that we are heading down that route ... may God help us all.


James said...

just wow. that's all I can say.

Evelyne Disseau said...

non ho parole...

Aussie John said...

I am sickened by the action, which may or may not have been carried out by a woman in her right mind, but to read the words of the judge, makes me utterly disgusted at such unenlightened reasoning, which can only be described as Satanic.

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